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8 Ways to Burn More Fat Now

You want to burn some unwanted fat off your body, but you read this tip or that tip, give them a shot and nothing right! What do you have to do to see change? Information here, information there, information everywhere! Whose tips do you follow? Do you cut fat intake? Do you cut carbs? Do you count calories? Oh boy.... Listen up now, getting lean and mean isn't just about calorie counting and it surely isn't about cutting all your fat or carbs. Heck, if that were true, some company would get smart a create a whole line of meals with just so many carbs and just so many calories and anyone and everyone could get lean easily. Truth be told, while modifying your total calorie intake certainly plays a major role, the key to successful fat, loss lies in strategies that actually alter your body's metabolism.

Altering your body's metabolism is not merely a matter of "boosting it," but also a matter of changing the way the body processes the foods you have eaten as well. For example, adding a fiber supplement to your daily routine will alter the way your body handles carbohydrates. Fiber stimulates carbs to bypass fat storing pathways, which in turn means they ultimately head down other pathways for muscle fueling or building. One quick tip right there......
Here are eight more tips you can use to lean up and lower your bodyfat level. Coupled with the proper macronutrient ratios and the correct caloric levels, these tips can transform your metabolism and help you tone and tighten your body.
8 Fat Burning Tips Anyone Can Use
If you struggle with bodyfat, you should make protein intake a priority. More chicken, eggs, fish, beef, low-fat dairy and protein powders. Why? Not all calories from carbs, proteins and fats are equal in their efficiency or tendency to be stored as bodyfat. Protein exerts a greater metabolic boosting effect than either carbs or dietary fat. When calories drop, protein saves muscle, which helps keep the metabolism elevated. Depending on your daily routine and exercise program, you should shoot for between 1- 1 ½ grams per pound of bodyweight daily spread over five, six or even seven smaller meals.
Notice that says manipulate... NOT CUT! Carbohydrates are required so don't follow ANY plan that tells you to cut them out! Carbohydrates help retain muscle (important to keep the metabolism revved up remember), yet they can also stimulate fat storage if not manipulated properly. Following a diet or eating plan that utilizes both high-carb and low-carb menus offers muscle support minus the fat storage. How? When you eat fewer carbs and replace those carbs with protein, in general, the body ramps up fat-mobilizing enzymes and hormones resulting in accelerated fat loss. However, a prolonged period of lower carbs can leave your muscle looking flat, since glycogen (the storage form of carbs in muscle) pulls water into the muscle. When you go low carb, the muscles get depleted of their glycogen and lose some water and therefore their fullness. Therefore, load back up on carbs every fourth or fifth day. Really not that difficult once it has been laid out for you!
Cardio is a good way to trigger fat loss. The ideal time is after resistance training workouts, as research shows that you burn more fat when you do cardio after a weight workout. However, another good time to do cardio is in the morning before eating. Why? That's when sugar levels in the blood are at their lowest. If you perform cardio when your blood sugar and insulin are low, fat burning is maximized. One drawback: cardio can burn muscle. Using 5 g of branched chain amino acids, 1-3 g of carnitine and 200-400 milligrams of caffeine 30 minutes prior to cardio helps block muscle breakdown, preserves metabolic-driving muscle tissue and boost hormones that break down bodyfat. In additional, gentlemen, this supplement combo can even preserve testosterone, the muscle-building hormone that often declines with cardio activity.
When calories are controlled, the inclusion of omega-3 fatty acids may increase fat loss. One study revealed that dieters who ate fish on a daily basis lost more weight than those who ate fish just once a week. One possible reason; omega-3s are thought to make the receptors on fat cells more sensitive to the fat-liberating effects of norepinephrine (also known as NE), a main fat-burning hormone. Another possible reason is that omega-3s tend to promote the storage of carbohydrates into muscle as muscle glycogen. If carbs are kept busy producing glycogen, they cannot stimulate or participate in the fat-storing process.
Creatine, the muscle-building supplement we've all heard so much about, can also aid in fat loss. Creatine exerts an increase in metabolism when combined with weight training, to the tune of 100 calories a day. So, make sure you get in 1-5 g with your pre- and post-workout meals. Ladies, you can use creatine if it is used sensibly!
This flavor enhancer stimulates adrenaline (epinephrine) and uncoupling proteins (UCPs). Adrenaline triggers fat break- down; UCPs increase calorie burning. Garlic also controls cortisol levels, which can support muscle retention during dieting. Use fresh bulbs in cooking or give garlic supplements a try.
It's the fitness world's most frustrating irony: When you eat less and try to drop bodyfat, a lot of times your metabolism adapts to the change and burns fewer calories. One way to get around the slowdown is with phosphates. In one study, a combo of 537 mg of calcium phosphate, 107 mg of potassium phosphate and 25 mg of sodium phosphate given to dieters yielded a metabolic rate that was 12-19% higher compared to that of dieters who did not use phosphates. The amino acid tyrosine is also effective in turning a moderately calorie burning thyroid hormone called T4 into a more potent calorie burning one called T3. Three thousand mg of L-tyrosine taken before training or cardio will do the trick.
Metabolic Nutrition Systems (MNS) help you target your specific weight management challenges.* MNS Maximum Energy contains a proprietary blend of botanical extracts and nutrients designed to help "rev up" metabolism.*+ It reflects years of research and development at AdvoCare®, where our Scientific and Medical Advisory Board has searched the world for the safest and most effective energy boosters.* It is the synergistic blends and scientifically proportional amounts of ingredients used in MNS Maximum Energy that make it an exceptional solution for weight management.* For added metabolism support, use it in conjunction with ThermoPlus(TM) Vitamin and Herbal Supplement.
Another option for those looking for an easy-to-use solution for weight loss and weight management is AdvoCare Slim. This is the perfect answer! Combining appetite suppression, energy and metabolic enhancers, this 2 oz. liquid serving not only helps you control your cravings but also promotes fat reduction and an improvement in your body composition. Altogether, Slim has a synergistic effect, helping you manage your diet and maintain energy while changing your body from within. It really is a system in a bottle!
As much as we would love to tell you that you can achieve the look and feel you want by counting calories and training hard, the truth is, your metabolism has to be on-board as well. The eight tips should stoke the fire of your metabolic rate and provide a real return on your diet and exercise diligence.
By now, everyone should know the importance of physical fitness and fitness training programs, but not very many of us recognize the true value of healthy meal plans as well. Irrelevant of the types of fitness training you use, be sure you have a balanced healthy diet to go with it.
For those that need a little extra assistance, direction or motivation, visit eFitness for Life now and see how our fitness training plans and weekly diet meal plans can help you make the most of your investment, in the shortest possible time, with the greatest return. Our goal is to teach you the values of physical fitness and how to create healthy meal plans for a lifetime! All done online! All done with certified coaches! Truly, the Future of Fitness! Stop by today and we will be happy to build your starter programs to ensure you learn to live longer, healthier lives.
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Jason J. Horsley is the CEO/Founder of eFitness for Life an online fitness and nutrition coaching solution that provides an affordable, convenient alternative to conventional, expensive dietitians and personal training. Through both eFitness for Life and Health and Wealth for Life, Jason is using his 15+ years in the fitness industry to help individuals across the globe not only look better, but feel better and live longer. The eFitness for Life team is made up of coaches/trainers around the US, working with clients throughout the world via the World Wide Web and the state-of-the-art eFitnessTracker software!
Fat Burning Tips to Make You Lean in No Time

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