Losing weight is easier when we incorporate fat burning foods into our diet. Fat burning foods work in a variety of ways. Some work because the combination of their components increases our metabolic rate. Some work due to being low in calories and because they require more energy to digest. Others work because they are low in calories and even when ingesting a small quantity of the particular food we feel full. The cooking method selected can also result in a lower calorie count, which ultimately equates to increased fat loss.
Regularly eating fat burning foods with the above qualities will, over time, result in effortless fat loss. Add exercise into the mix, and fat loss will occur at an even faster rate.
Fat Burning Foods - 10 of the Best:
Along with being good for us and tasting great, most fruits have excellent fat burning properties. Citrus fruit, in particular, has an abundance of vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, which is a proven fat burner. It also has a high water content and a low calorie count. Citrus fruits include oranges, lemons, limes, grape fruit, kiwi fruit, mandarins, tangerines, kumquats and clementines. Other fruits high in vitamin C include apples, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, plums, grapes and tomatoes.
Fruit, in general, increases metabolism and reduces bad cholesterol levels, so try to include it in your diet every day. An easy way of doing this is to have fruit for breakfast and if you feel like a snack, make it fruit. Blueberries, bananas, mangoes, papaya and pomegranates are other healthy, delicious and satisfying fruits to incorporate into your diet on a regular basis.
The majority of vegetables are low in calorie and contain vitamins and minerals that rev up our metabolism. Most are also fat free and even lower in carbs than fruit. Vegetables that can be eaten in abundance include spinach, broccoli, cabbage, artichokes, beans and peas. Cucumbers, lettuce and celery are also excellent choices because of their very low calorie and high water content.
Due to their higher calorie count, potatoes and sweet potatoes or yams should be eaten in moderation. When you do eat these, try to cook them with their skin on as the skin is a great source of insoluble fiber.
When cooking vegetables, steaming or boiling will not add any calories. If you want to stir-fry your veggies, do so in the so called "good" oils such as olive, soybean, sunflower or sesame oil. Steer clear of deep frying and heavy, fat laden sauces. Instead, use fresh herbs and spices to add flavour.
Oats and Barley
Cereals containing oats or barley are excellent fat burners due to their high insoluble fiber content. Foods containing insoluble fiber satisfies our hunger and keeps us feeling full for longer. When we feel satiated we are less likely to eat large meals or snack on junk food.
Edible Pulses
Chickpeas (garbanzos) and lentils fall under the category of edible pulses, or legumes. They are nutritious, satisfying and with the addition of herbs and spices, very tasty. They are also low in calories and cholesterol, high in fiber and abundant in amino-acids/plant protein.
The variety of uses for these edible pulses is only limited by your imagination. They can be eaten hot in soups or stews or cold in salads and, containing close to 25% protein, they make an ideal meat substitute for vegetarians who can find it hard to get sufficient protein in their diets. Other edible pulses include kidney, navy, string, lima, bush and soy beans and peanuts.
In the old days we were told that eating eggs resulted in high cholesterol and that we should only eat the whites and maybe one or two whole eggs per week. Medical opinion on this has changed, and eating an egg a day is now not just considered safe, but encouraged.
Eggs provide us with protein and minerals. They are quite low in calories and low in the saturated, or "bad" fat we should avoid. Some studies have, in fact, shown that a regular consumption of eggs can increase our level of "good" cholesterol.
Veggie omelets combine two fat burning foods. They are quick and easy to make, and the vegetables, herbs and spices used can be changed around so they never become boring.
Some dietary studies have concluded that those who eat an egg for breakfast on a daily basis, along with or instead of toast and cereal, lose double the amount of weight as dieters who eat a carbohydrate based breakfast.
Nuts are filling, nutritious and they contain monounsaturated fatty acids, also known as MUFA's. These healthy fats actually burn fat. This makes nuts a far better snack choice than a donut or candy bar and they are just as convenient to grab on the run or pack in your lunch box. Nuts can also be used as an ingredient in salads and stir-fries, or as a coating when baking fish.
We've all had it drummed into us that fats make us fat. You may be surprised to know that this is not necessarily the case, and that people who lack healthy fats in their diet are far more prone to piling on the pounds than those who regularly include moderate amounts of healthy fat. The key here is moderation. Eat a small handful of peanuts, pecans, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, almonds or walnuts every day and reap the health and weight loss benefits. Any more than a small handful though, and you will risk consuming too many calories.
Fish is an excellent source of protein and being rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, provides us with the good fats our bodies need to stay healthy. It is also low in calories and saturated fat. Any fish is good, providing it is grilled, baked or pan fried and not deep fried or smothered in heavy calorie-laden sauce. The best sources of omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, mackerel, trout and tuna.
Chicken and Turkey
For those who eat meat, white meat such as chicken and turkey is a better option than red meat. Chicken and turkey are excellent fat burning foods as they are high in protein with a low calorie count and carbohydrate level. High protein foods take longer to digest than foods with a low protein content, and more energy is expended in the process. It's important not to consume the chicken or turkey skin as these are high in fat. If you must have red meat, limit it to a small serving two to three times a week at most, and choose lean cuts or pork. As with other foods, the way it is cooked and ingredients added can increase the calorie count substantially.
While not a food, water deserves to be included in this list. Water is essential for life. It keeps our metabolism ticking over, therefore it helps us burn body fat. It also helps flush toxins from our system and it is calorie free.
Foods that contain a lot of water impart a feeling of fullness, so we need less of the food to feel satisfied. Examples include cantaloupes, cucumbers, gourds, chard, papaya and watermelon.
When possible, choose whole foods over processed or refined food, using the fat burning foods above for reference. These fat burning foods contain lower levels of fat and sugar and less calories and carbohydrates than cakes, cookies, pizza and the like. Centering your diet around the former foods and limiting consumption of the latter will ulitmately result in a healthy weight loss.
I hope you enjoyed my article. Click link to find out about 5 of the tastiest foods that burn fat and check out my blog for diet tips and advice including info on the best diets to lose weight.
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