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Post Pregnancy Workouts - 2 Steps to Lose Fat Off Your Legs

After pregnancy, a woman's upper legs and ankles can appear pudgy because of fat build up. It makes losing weight after pregnancy a pain. Without post pregnancy workouts, new mothers may never again comfortably fit in skirts, shorts, and skinny jeans. But it doesn't have to be so; you can tone your legs in just a few months by following a few simple rules.

# Leg-Slimming Post Partum Exercise
To begin with our post pregnancy workouts, let's focus on one problem spot, which is your legs. There are two steps to lose fat off your legs. First is to lose the fat that's making it pudgy, and second is to build muscle mass to make your legs leaner.
There's no magic method here; let's stick with the time-tested method: enough postpartum exercises to burn off more calories than you eat, and toning and strengthening exercises to produce lean leg muscles.
As always, the best slimming routine contains a combination of cardio exercise and strength training. It doesn't matter what kind of cardio exercise you do; the secret in post pregnancy workouts is to pick something you like and keep at it. To get slim legs fast, you would need to focus naturally on exercises that target your legs. It can be just simply treading water in the pool, riding a bicycle, jogging through sand or water. At the proper age, put your baby on a stroller that is specially made for fast speeds, and push your newborn as you jog.
Allot 20 to 30 minutes of your time for your daily exercise. Just be sure to take a couple of "break" days to give your body time to recuperate, especially when you're breastfeeding and settling in on the routine of motherhood.
With a young one to care for, going to the gym may not be a doable post pregnancy workout option. But you can still try some classic leg exercises like leg lifts, lunges, and wall sits even at home. Do some three sets of 30 leg lifts with each leg. In doing wall sits, start by holding the sitting position for 15 seconds at a time, and slowly stand up. Stop when your thighs feel a bit shaky and have difficulty supporting you.
# Food for Fat-Free Legs
Good nutrition is just as important as exercise in post pregnancy workouts. Some foods, like those containing large amounts of sugar can make your body produce too much insulin. High levels of insulin in the bloodstream trigger hunger pangs, so you eat more. The pernicious cycle begins as you seek more sugar and carbs to feed your hunger, which only grows stronger and stronger.
Eat right by trading off saturated fats for unsaturated fats that help your heart. Eat complex carbs that come from whole grains, dark green vegetables, and fruits high in water and fiber.
Don't go shy on the eggs; recent studies suggest that they can actually help you lose weight. Also, calcium and green tea are proven fat-burners. Get your calcium from at least three servings of dairy each day, and go for green tea instead of coffee.
Want to lose your pregnancy fats safely and permanently? Our free report "Lose 14 pounds in 14 weeks for Moms" worth $27.00 will reveal more powerful secrets on post pregnancy workouts! []
Losing weight after pregnancy can be just a matter of right choices; and this doesn't require depriving yourself of much-needed energy that should be properly spent on loving your child.
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