Does this sound familiar? This was me! I'd eat really well during the week, and then my Friday "cheat" day would turn into Saturday and Sunday cheat days too!
You strive all week to eat well, maybe even hit the gym a couple of times, but once you leave work on Friday evening, are all bets are off? While I am a big believer that weekends should be a time of relaxing, rejuvenating, and spending time socializing, you have to be careful not to go overboard and negate all your hard work during the week. One weekend of overeating on un-healthy foods and can easily undo the healthy diet you keep during the week. And this will stall your progress and keep you from reaching your goals.
Instead, view your weekends as a chance to do the things that you enjoy, and spend fun, quality time with your family and friends. "Weekends" should not be synonymous with food binging and excessive un-healthy eating. A cheat meal once or twice a week should be no problem, but going hog-wild for 2 or 3 days, will complete destroy your previous 4 or 5 days of good effort and eating. In fact, a cheat meal 1 to 2 times a week is actually good for you, if you do it right. If you don't allow yourself this after days and days of eating clean you will go kind of mental, and then you are much more likely to go way overboard. And the great thing about these "cheat" meals is that they free you from GUILT! When you eat 4-6 healthy meals a day, 7 days a week, that adds up to a lot of healthy meals. So 1 or 2 "cheat" meals out of 28 or 42 healthy meals isn't something you need to feel bad about or worry that it will sabotage your efforts!
Take advantage of your slower paced weekends, don't think about work, and get outside and be active. And being active doesn't have to mean spending an hour and half in the gym! Work in your yard, go for a walk, play with your kids outside, play tennis with a friend or loved one, go swimming with your kids. If you enjoy cooking, make some of your meals for the upcoming week to save time during the busy week! Keep your weekends for you. Read good books, watch good movies, perhaps with a few pieces of dark chocolate.
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