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Facts About Renting Medical Equipment

By Paulette Mason

The medical field is faced with the concern of the declining levels of margin. This can be attributed to the high initial cost incurred in acquiring the equipment. The situation is even aggravated by the lack of regulation in the market in terms of price and quality. Nevertheless, the practitioners have to equip their facilities with the state of the art machines if they have to realize anything worthwhile. The hassle can however be minimized by carrying out a wise and informed decision. This article, therefore, takes you through some insights on renting medical equipment.

To begin with, it is worth considering the rental period. Before ordering the equipment, consider the rental period. As a general rule, an equipment that will be in use for a long time is better bought than rented. However, where the device is needed for a short period of time, it is more convenient and economical to rent. The time value of money falls into play when evaluating between a buy and rent options.

It is also necessary to compare the upfront costs against monthly payments. The method of acquiring a medical device is dictated by your financial muscles at the instant. For businesses with low cash at hand, but having continuous cash flow, renting becomes the best option. Making monthly payments will leave the enterprise with some operating cash. However, for a firm with ample cash at hand, buying is the ideal and cheapest option. The monthly remittances vary from one dealer to another.

Also, the expenses of maintaining the implement also matters. The efficiency of machines relies in regular repairs and servicing. Maintenance as a factor depends on who is responsible for the expense and the magnitude of the expense. A variety of rental agreements require the rental company to carry out the exercise. These agreements mean that you will be in charge of the repair and maintenance. It is therefore worthwhile to rent equipment having the profound cost of maintenance.

In addition, be sure to put in mind the frequency of use. Some machines are used on a daily basis while others are barely used. Machines that are used more often should be bought. However, for the ones that are hardly used, it is relevant to rent them when their services are needed. This will prevent channeling funds in unproductive, less active investments.

In addition, the amount to be realized from the sale of the gadget also matters. Before upgrading to modern facilities, the old facility has to be sold to pave way and contribute to the financing. A good buy deal should have a reasonable amount as resale value. Selling a system with low resale value is difficult and even expensive.

However, the question of whether to buy or rent also depends on who you are asking. The decision is subjective. Both options have their own advantages and shortcomings. The decision process relies on trading between the negatives and the positives. A strategic decision can be reached at by referring to the circumstances of the firm at a given time.

Simply put, be thorough in your analysis and use the requisite information in reaching the decision. A well informed decision will, out of doubt, be an asset to your business.

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