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Arch Support Inserts For Flat Feet May Be Just What You Need

By Deanne Shepard

It is not uncommon for a person to tell others that they are flat footed. This is a term that not everyone is familiar with. A person who has this problem can be helped by wearing arch support inserts for flat feet in their shoes. Although, once a foot has lost its arch it is gone, the inserts will help ease their pain.

If the arch of the foot has fallen, this is known as being flat footed. The arch is needed to support other areas of the foot, back and legs. The type of shoes a person chooses, such as high heels and sandals that lack support, can increase the probablity that a person will experience this problem. One foot might suffer this affliction more than the other. Once the arch has dissapated, it will not return.

Complications in the way the foot is arched can be increased by excessive body weight, although this is not always the case. While young folks can be affected, they generally do not have as much problems as older folks. This can change as a person ages.

Those people suffering from this problem do not experience a lack of foot usability. Any pain is usually present because of the stress on the other parts of the foot. Pain can also be felt in the back and legs as they compensate for the way the foot is stepping. Since the feet are not properly aligned, balance can also become a problem.

Arch supports will allow a person to obtain a better disbursement of their weight and in turn become better balanced on their feet. Inserts will assure the proper step for the foot in order to allow the back and legs to not have to compensate thus decreasing any pain that a flat foot may create.

There are many websites as well as local brick and mortar stores that will offer arch supports for sale. While these may be a good short-term solution, they will not compare to having supports that are personally created for your feet. While they do come in sizes, it is unlikely that you and someone else with your shoe size has the exact fit that is needed. If you have your feet professionally measured and the supports created just for you, your fit will be much better. Visiting a podiatrist with the shoes that you wear most of the time will allow for the best fit.

Arch supports and the insoles that come in most shoes are not the same thing. The insoles are created for your comfort and for shock absorption as you walk. However, what it offers in way of specialized support just does not cut it. They will feel wonderful at first, but soon wear down. That is why it is so important for you to get supports made for your feet.

Because we are walking on surfaces that are flat on a daily basis, flat arches are not a unique problem. This, coupled with aging and excessive body weight makes this a very common issue. By having supports made especially for your feet, you can help decrease the stress that is being put on your back and legs which, in turn, will help to decrease your pain. It is vital to remember that new shoes may feel great at first, they will soon wear down and not offer you much in the way of support after some time.

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