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How Soy Protein Benefits The Body

By Edna Booker

Those who choose not to eat meat need to obtain the nutrients they are missing by eating other forms of them. Protein is one of the major elements of meat and fish and is needed by the body for basic functions such as cell construction. Eating soy protein benefits vegetarians and vegans in much the same way.

Proteins are made up of amino acids, they are the building blocks. Many types of amino acid are now known and it has been found that there are twenty two which are used by the human body. Most of these are made in house, so to speak in that the body can produce them with little help. However, there are nine others which must be included in the diet for good health.

Soy is a legume. This whole family of plants is nutritious and people should eat plenty of them. Legumes are high in proteins, micronutrients, B vitamins, fiber and omega fatty acids. They are also low in fat and cholesterol and so are a great way to get lots of nutrients without the bad stuff.

In the East in countries such as Japan, Malaysia and China where people eat lots of soy it has been observed that their health outcomes are much better than for people in the west. For example, Okinawa has the highest concentration of people over one hundred years old in the world. They have lower incidence of cancer and heart disease and are more physically active throughout their lives.

One of these is that a diet low in meat but high in beans and vegetables leads to lower cholesterol, less cancer and much lower levels of heart disease. Athletes and body builders have been able to use this research to improve their diets and overall performance. Use of supplements has also helped bring about this improvements.

It is easier than ever to get soy into the diet. Production of it is not at record levels and there are lots of products to cater for the demand. Meat substitutes are usually made from soy and there is soy milk, yogurt and cheese to replace dairy. It can be bought in flour form to make bread or used generally as a substitute for wheat.

The most healthy way to consume it seems to be in fermented products. These are things such as miso and tempeh. The fermentation process starts to break down the parts of the bean which can be hard to digest and also encourages the growth of probiotics. These are the good bacteria which help digestion.

Another method of ingesting it is to take a supplement. Powders are now widely available and are used by body builders and athletes who want to increase strength and build muscles. It seems strange to some people that body builders might be vegans but it is entirely possible and there are a growing number of athletes who are shunning meat proteins in favor of plant ones.

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