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Burning Butt Fat Methods Will Allow You to Burn Hip Fat

There are two stubborn areas that are common problems for women who are trying to lose weight: butt and hips. But did you know that these two are interrelated such that the ability to burn butt fat can also allow you to burn hip fat? To burn butt fat, burn hip fat, and have a toned down body is just within your reach if you do the right exercises.
To understand how you can overcome this problem, you must first understand why women tend to develop fat butts and large thighs. This is due to the fact that women have the natural ability to bear a child and the extra storage of fat is vital for both the woman and growing fetus' development and survival.
Below are some suggested exercises that will enable you to effectively burn fat off the desired area.
How to Burn Butt Fat
Cardio exercise is highly recommended by health and fitness experts against stubborn butt fats. High intensity cardio exercises is most effective, thus you need to develop an everyday routine wherein you dedicate 45 minutes to an hour of your day performing these exercises to literally melt your butt fat away. Aside from melting those fats, you also consequently turn them into muscle mass to produce a leaner and shapelier butt area.
Aside from cardio, resistance exercises effectively burn butt fat, as well as excess fat on your tummy section. Doing exercises such as lunges, squats and dead lifts for as much as three times a week, you will be able to achieve evident results.
Other recommend physical exercises that can help you burn butt fat includes Pilate and yoga. This is a great exercise routine to adapt if you are looking to target both butt and thighs since exercises involved here focus on trimming fat on those areas.
How to Burn Hip Fat
Let's say you have addressed your butt fat problems, it's onto finding solution for those extra wide hips. Aside from having a naturally wide hip bone, there could be an excess amount of fat deposited in this area that you need to burn off if you want to achieve hip slimming results.
To burn hip fat, you can perform light aerobic exercises. The most basic exercise is either walking or jogging, which provides an overall workout but with emphasis on your lower body including your hips. The longer period of time you spending walking or jogging, the faster you can burn it off. So, walk or jog for at least 45 minutes each day to quickly and effectively burn fats in your hip area.
Cycling can also produce the same workout on your hips, which not only slim it down but also produces strengthening effect. Or, you can go to the gym and perform exercises recommended for hip slimming effects, such as squats and lunges. By performing the right exercises in the recommended period of time, you will be able to burn butt fat, burn hip fat, and have the body you have always wanted.
So, let's recap on what we have discussed so far about burning but fat.
• To burn buttocks fat, cardio is highly recommended for about 45 minutes.
• To burn hip fat, light aerobic exercises and walking for 45 minutes is recommended.
• It takes some time as these methods are light and easy but it is very effective if practiced correctly.
There is more to exercising than focusing on one area, learn how to burn fat from multiple areas simultaneously and also tone those muscles, click here.

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